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We invite you to become a part of the Society of Oncology and gain access to a wealth of knowledge and invitation to our events.


Membership types

Our aim is to keep membership affordable and open to everyone.  All memberships are valid for one year from 1 January – 31 December. 



i.   Ordinary Membership - S$20 annual subscription

Ordinary members shall be medical practitioners and suitably qualified scientists, practicing in oncology. They shall have the right to vote in the Society. Only Oncologist trainees or Oncologists are eligible to hold office. They must also be Medical, Surgical or Radiation Oncologists.


All applications shall be subject to approval by the Executive Committee.  


ii.  Associate Membership - S$10 annual subscription

Associates shall be persons who are not eligible for ordinary membership but are actively engaged as workers in some field of oncology. They are not eligible to hold office or vote for the office bearers. 


Applications shall be submitted to approval by the Executive Committee.










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